Torah Portion – Week 39 (24-25)
Numbers 19:1 – 22:1
“Chukat” Meaning decree– Red Heifer for cleansing of one who touches a dead body, the disobedience of moses and Aaron at the waters of Meribah and the conquest over King Sihon and Og. (We see Messiah clearly in this portion)
Numbers 19:
19:2 – Foreshadow of messiah cleansing – (no yoke or bondage of sin) – Verses
- Wholly consumed (as was Yahusha & the Passover lamb)
- Clean/unclean laws applicable today? – Verses
19:19 – Early hints at baptism (and relation to salvation) – Verses
- Have you been baptized?
19:20 – Purifying the sanctuary – Verses
(Refer back to 19:6) Red heifer – Crimson Worm – Interlinear
Tola – link
Scarlet worm article link
Numbers 20:
20:5 – Very relatable to our local assembly at this time (patience, trust)
- Why are you so mad the journey is bumpy?
20:6 – Think about the patience that Moshe and Aharon exhibited here…. (trust!)
20:10 -11 – They were commanded to bless the people, not condemn
- Direct disobedience
- Temporary blindness due to grief of Miriam, stress, pressure?
- Prophet
20:11 -12– Read Aramaic 3rd paragraph of XX– Then, John 19
- Someone tried to hide something
- Is Moses’ punishment in line with what he possibly caused?
- Moshe was judged with a greater strictness. James 3
20:13 – The Rock – Verses
20:17 – Peaceable eaven to enemies
20:25 -28 – Lineage meant to be passed down (compare with Catholic mindset)
Numbers 21:
21:1-3 – When its war tmime…
21:5 – not appreciated
- John 3:13-16
- The pole eventually became an idol – Verses
- Picture
- Adversaries counterfeit – link – pic
- Point to consider: Going to the hospital for a broken arm vs. trusting in hospital & pharmakia system for one’s preservation of life
- Ancient times apothecary vs. modern day pharmacy
- I’m not a medical professional
21:14- “Book of the Wars of Adonai” Some believe it to be the book of Jasher, as it goes side by side with the Torah, detailing the battles fought.
21:20 – Pizga
End: – Jasher 85:1-33
Targums 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th,
Fire from the mouth – Verses
Abraham- Father of many
Isaac – He will laugh
Jacob – supplant, circumvent, assail / heel
Judah – Praise or praised
Pharez – breach or blossom
Esrom – Dart of Joy; division of a song
Aram – high or elevated
Amminidab – kinsmen of nobility
Naasson – Serpent/ bronze/oracle
Salmon – robe or mantle
Boaz – In strength
Obed – Servant or to serve
Jesse – My husband or Yah exists
David – Beloved or lovely
Solomon – Recompense, completeness, peace
Rehoboam – People are enlarged
Abijah – Yah is my father
Asa – Man of Sorrows
Yehoshaphat – Yah Rules/governs
Joram – Yah is exalted
Uzziah – Power of Yah, Yah is my strength
Jotham – Yah is perfect, or complete
Ahaz – He has grasped, or possessor
Hezekiah – Yah strenghthens
Mannaseh – Forgetting
Ammon – the people or multitudes
Josiah – Despair of Yah (fire made by Yah, or Yah heals)
Jehoahaz – Yah has grasped
Shialtiel – I have asked God
Zerubbabel – Pressed out of babel
Abiud – Father of praise
Eliakim – God sets up
Azor – A helper
Zadok – Righteous, the just
Achim – Established, raised up, who will stand
Eliud – God is majestic
Eleazar – Elohim has helped / whom Elohim helps
Mattan – a gift
Jacob – the heel
Joseph – the Increaser, or doubler
The Father of many, he will laugh, he will supplant and assail. He will be praised, and blossom. A dart of joy, a division of song – he will be elevated; our kinsman of nobility. He is the bronze serpent, the oracle of Yah clothed in a robe and mantle. In strength he will be a servant and serve. My husband, our beloved is peace. The people are enlarged, and Yah is my father. He is a man of sorrows, and a ruler and governer. Yahuah is exalted and he is the power of Yah, the strength of Yah. Yahuah is perfect and complete. He has grasped and posseses through Yahuah’s strengthening. Forgetting the multitudes of people, Yah heals and has possessed them. I have asked of Elohim to be pressed out of Babylon. A father of praise, Elohim sets up a helper, the righteous and just one, who is established and raised up. Elohim is majestic, Elohim has helped. He gave us a gift, the heel, the supplanter and the increased double portion.
Yahuah saves
Hebrews links