Torah Portion – Week 46 (24-25) 7:12 – 11:25 Ch.7 7:12 – “IF” (promise of his love) Requirement – Verses 7:12-15: We have the same promise to come in the millennial reign; we are still in dispersion, awaiting the gathering. 7:18- Why are we afraid of our changing world and beast system? 7:26 – Future […]
Torah Portion – Week 45 -22-23 Welcome brothers and sisters to week 45 – “Va’etchanan” I pleaded. In this portion, we see Moses not being able to enter the land of Israel, a Plea from Moses to Israel to keep the commandments, another brief overview of the cities of refuge, the 10 commandments and Shema […]
Shalom brothers and sisters. In this article (and video), I wanted to share the dates we will be celebrating YHWH’s Festivals, for this year. These dates may be different than mainstream Hebrew calendars. If you have not seen the breakdown of our current understanding of the calendar yet, here are some links: Calculating the Feast Days (Video […]
Torah Portion – Week 44 – 24 – 25 Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22 Welcome brothers and sisters to week 44 – “DEVARIM” or known as the WORDS. This is an account of Moses reviewing the events that occurred during the 40 year journey in the wilderness, to recount the laws and important moments. He recaps […]
Torah Portion – Week 43 (24-25) Masei – the conclusion of the book of numbers. Retells the journeys in the wilderness, instructions for taking the land, cities for the levites, cities of refuge and daughters of zelophehad. Ch.33 33:4-5 – Coming out of Egypt, Testing in the wilderness – Verses 33:7 – Baal Tsephon – […]