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    About Me

    Charles PATRICK Harner

    Personal Trainer, Truth seeker

    I tried proving my friend wrong about Flat Earth, following Torah, etc. and here I am. My wife and I are trying to live by Yeshua's grace, and still learning what it means to follow him. Trying to teach our kids to do the same. Longing to be with my Creator more and more. Leah and I have 4 daughters. We are a home school family. In some ways it feels like our world is collapsing but in other ways we feel like we are on the narrow path and trying to be faithful disciples. I'm a personal trainer by trade, but love to study and read (history, poetry, anatomy, fiction, etc.). I also enjoy writing (poetry, essays, fitness articles, etc.) and obstacle course racing- but now that we are trying to actually Sabbath that is starting to change as well.
