• Profile picture of James_FL

    James_FL changed their profile picture

  • These are all of the hyperlinks to the the book of Enoch study that Adam did.
    Its a good reference to scripture verses and other online sources to keep in print pertaining to this study.

    Enoch Study Notes - Hy...inks Sorted 11-1-22.pdf
    201.66 KB
  • The parallel scriptures to the book of Enoch Study Adam did. Instead of the link only I added the verse wordage but removed verse #s and symbols or reference stuff like * (a) [1] ect. If anyone might want the doc file for editing or whatever message me. I made it for printout in case of a blackout. I’ve been trying to keep printed copies for…Read More

    Enoch Study Notes 11-1... Scriptures (final).pdf
    5.35 MB
  • Hi I’m not really sure who this message goes to or if this is kinda like some facebook posting thing.
    Testing 1,2,3 ….
    I’ve been saving articles that Adam has posted on this site as pdf files I like to print them out or email them but i’m just wondering if someone else does this too or there is an easier way or if it would benefit anyone for…Read More

    Your Identity In Messiah.pdf
    3.09 MB
