About Me

Angel Bobbitt
Shalom! My name is Angela, my nickname is Angel, I reside in Arizona for the time being, and I have resided here for approx. 8 years but plan on moving out of AZ in a year Father willing. I am originally from Ohio, I have also lived in Kentucky, California, Washington State, and Arizona. I am almost 42 years old. I just came into observing and partaking in Torah last year. I was led to a desire to observe and follow Torah completely after a particular incident that happened while serving in a ministry that caused me to leave the 501C3 organizations for good in May of 2021, to which I did not fit in there much anyway, so it wasn't too hard to leave. I need is fellowship with other like-minded members of the household of faith because I can easily isolate myself for, I am an ambivert but more introverted than extroverted, although I do enjoy the company of like-minded believers, I just need more space and time to reboot. I am a health and fitness buff, and I am interested in learning more healthier ways in curing/treating my medical conditions until Our Great Physician YAHUAH RAPHA completely heals me. I do acknowledge that spiritual fitness is above physical fitness, and is more beneficial than physical fitness, but I desire to be whole in all areas of mind, body, spirit, in order to take care of the temple of the Ruach HaQodesh.

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