Heather White and
Amy are now friends
Heather White and
[email protected] are now friends
Approaching March and preparing for my bicycle tour, traveling from home in Mesa, Az to the Riverfront Camp ground for Sukkot 2022!It would be wonderful to have company on this ride, with someone who has the same spiritual need. The time of travel is estimated at a 4 day ride, without any hurry or unexpected traveling issues like…Read More
Heather White Changed their profile cover
Shabbat Shalom!
Excitedly awaiting Succoat gathering for 2022!
This will be my first visit to Lebanon, MO.
It is my desire to become made clean through Baptism. Baptized in another belief which proved false. So, I see this as not being complete rebirth, this means so very much to me on my journey.
May Yahuah’s face shine upon you…Read More - Load More Posts
About Me

Angel Bobbitt
Shalom! My name is Angela, my nickname is Angel, I reside in Arizona for the time being, and I have resided here for approx. 8 years but plan on moving out of AZ in a year Father willing. I am originally from Ohio, I have also lived in Kentucky, California, Washington State, and Arizona. I am almost 42 years old. I just came into observing and partaking in Torah last year. I was led to a desire to observe and follow Torah completely after a particular incident that happened while serving in a ministry that caused me to leave the 501C3 organizations for good in May of 2021, to which I did not fit in there much anyway, so it wasn't too hard to leave. I need is fellowship with other like-minded members of the household of faith because I can easily isolate myself for, I am an ambivert but more introverted than extroverted, although I do enjoy the company of like-minded believers, I just need more space and time to reboot. I am a health and fitness buff, and I am interested in learning more healthier ways in curing/treating my medical conditions until Our Great Physician YAHUAH RAPHA completely heals me. I do acknowledge that spiritual fitness is above physical fitness, and is more beneficial than physical fitness, but I desire to be whole in all areas of mind, body, spirit, in order to take care of the temple of the Ruach HaQodesh.