Torah Portion: Week 51 Nitzavim (24/25)
Deuteronomy 29:9 through 30:20
Ch 29
29:9 – KJV version (Castle keep pic) (strongs link)
- Psalm 1 Promise and other Verses
29:11-13 – all standing before him (Everyone’s important) – 1 Cor 12
- Patrick
- Jason
29:15 – We are mentioned here! – 2 Baruch 22-23:1-5
- Number of babies born study! – War on the Womb
- Mixed multitude – Verses
- Mixed multitude – Verses
29:18-20 – Wormwood – Parabolic
- Parable of the sower
- Psalm 19:7-11 says Torah is sweeter than honey
29:21-24 – Destruction of Jerusalem (Final)
- This Torah portion is speaking to that and end times generation and us, so is Yahusha in the ‘Olivet Discourse’ – Verses
29:25-27 – Sign to the lost sheep of the house of Israel
- Come out of her
- Why are his people still learning from and joined with them?
29:28 – Parable of the Vineyard
29:29 – Just like the ‘spirit of prophecy..’ Rev 19:10
- Jews are not ‘Judah’ anymore (Rom 11)
Ch 30
30:2 – It’s time (when we get serious about his business)
- Biggest end-times sign
30:4-5 – This is the fig tree parable – Verses
30:11-14 – Not a burden – Verses
- What are we implying if we say the law is too hard?
- He gave strict consequences if the law wasn’t kept
- Would he be just and fair if he gave grave consequences to a law we couldn’t keep?
30:15-15 – Life and death – Choose
30:16 – keeping his commands = loving him (how) – Verses
30:19 – torah is Life – Verses
30:20 – Time to renew? – Verses
- Yahusha instituted the New Covenant
- Rome tore down the house again
- 7th Generation – Enoch
- Isaiah 11
- “You will do greater things than I”
Parable of the Vineyard
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