Week 52 Vayelech – Deut 31:1-30

Torah Portion: Week 52 (2021 updated)

Vayelech “he went out” Deut 31:1-30


Targum link: http://targum.info/pj/pjdt31-32.htm


Ch 31

31:2 – Birthday? In our journey of exiting Babylon, are we so quick to believe every teaching/study?  We need to keep diligence.


31:3 – He it is that fights our battles.  Do you think Abraham & 318 were alone? What about Levi and Simeon? Samson, Gideon, David and many others?  He it was that went before and with them.



31:4-6 – This will happen again – Enoch vision of weeks : https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe096.htm and https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe097.htm



31:8: we must ask ourselves, has any of this changed? Is he not still with us?

31:10-12 – We will be doing it this year.


31:13 – Reading the Torah to your children.  We have to raise up the next generation! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=deut+6%3A1-8%2C+deut+30%3A1-5&version=KJV


31:16 – Moses’ death. Jude 1:9 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=jude+1%3A9&version=KJV




31:23: Rak Chazak Amats

31:26: Talk about those that say it’s only the 10 commandments.

31:27 – Like when Paul warned about the wolves coming in after him


31:29 – Here’s how he knew they would go a whoring – Jubilees 1 https://pofthevineyard.wpengine.com/cepher/jubilees/




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