Torah Portion: Week 53 (2024-25)
Today, we will be studying from Deuteronomy 32:1-52. In chapter 32 is the Song of Moses is recited to the children of Israel, as a witness against them, telling the end from the beginning.
Music is more than just for praise and worship – Linden Mitchell
Ch 32
32:3 – His doctrine as rain/water (this is a ‘key’ to interpreting many other verses)
32:4 – The Rock – Verses
- All his ways are judgement.
32:5 – Spotted & Being clean – Verses
32:6 – This is how you repay me? – 2 Esdras 1
32:7 – The days of old – Verses
32:8 – Sons of Elohim, not Israel
- Septuagint:
- Also in the DSS
- Jasher 9:32
- Targums Gen 11:7-8
- Daniel 10 example
32:9 – The apple of his eye, the desire of YHWH
- 2 Esdras 5:21-30
- His sheep (not ours) – Jer 23
- All about the Assembly – Link
32:10-12 – Eagle significance – Verses
32:13 – Ride upon the high places of the earth – Isaiah 58
- Honey out of rocks?Jasher 67:53-59 Exo 15 (6th paragraph)
32:14 – I know some have chosen veganism and no issue with this, but eating dairy and such is absolutely biblical!
32:15 – Fatness = Lazy, and falling away from Yah. Look at what the ‘elite’ has planned for the world, purposefully fattening the people with fake food and commercials/advertisements and many sorts of stimulants to cultivate obesity. The enemy knows scriptures.
32:16-17 – Polluted with bloodshed – Verses
- Sacrificing to devils today?
32:20 – What about his return? – Verses
- Parable of the talents?
32:21 – Foolish nation – Verses
- Moses, Gideon, David…
32:23-25 – Sounds like the four sore judgements – Dream
32:27 – Not feared, who does Yahuah fear? (Septuagint is diff) – Strongs
32:28 -29– No understanding/wisdom – Verses
32:32-35 – Still yet to happen – Verses
32:39 – Targum: “When the Word of YHWH shall reveal Himself to redeem His people, He will say to all the nations: Behold now, that I am He who Am, and Was, and Will Be, and there is no other God beside Me: I, in My Word, kill and make alive; I smite the people of the Beth Israel, and I will heal them at the end of the days”
- Wound and heal (Hosea 6)
32:40 (Cross ref Septuagint) – Verses
32:41-42 – His people are/is the sword/arrows – Verses
– Enoch
32:43 – Septuagint and DSS – Verses
- Rejoice ye heavens at the destruction of Babylon? – Verses
32:47 – Way, truth, life – Verses