Torah Portion – Week 36 22-23
Numbers 8:1 through 12:16
Beha’alotcha, When you set up.
This portion tells of the Menorah in the Tabernacle, the consecration of the Levites, the Second Passover, how a cloud and fire led the Israelites, the silver trumpets, how the Israelites set out on their journeys, the complaints of the Israelites, and how Miriam and Aaron questioned Moses.
8:1-4 Menorah – Just like we see in Revelation – Verses
- Our mission – Verses
- One piece of gold – One man – Verses
- Natsarim 3:15-17, 26-27 (37) – Natsarim 9:17-19 (89)
8:End – Priests – Verses
Numbers 9: Passover mentioned directly after the sacrifice and atonement for the firstborn.
-Passover is the only feast with 2 opportunities – 1 of 3 pilgrimage feasts
-Journey and rest at the commandment of YHWH. Do we act when he speaks?
9:8 – While most counsel is already written for us, do we go to Yahuah for all other matters that he may show us the truth?
9:14 – Anyone can come serve YHWH and be part of the assembly – Verses
9:15-23 – Interesting connection with the future tense of N. Jerusalem in Isaiah 4
- Jude and Yahusha – Verse
- Interlinear
- By the mouth of the Word of YHWH the children of Israel went forward, and by the Word of YHWH they rested. All the days that the Cloud of Glory abode upon the Tabernacle, (so long) did they abide. And if the Cloud tarried over the Tabernacle many days the children of Israel observed the watch of the Word of YHWH, and did not proceed. If for the time of a number of days, suppose the seven days of the week, the Cloud of Glory was upon the Tabernacle, by the mouth of the Word of YHWH they rested, and by the mouth of the Word of YHWH they went forward. Or, if the Cloud of Glory (rested only) from evening until morning, and was uplifted in the morning, then went they onward; whether by day or by night, when the Cloud was lifted up they went forward; whether it was two days, or a month, or a year complete, while the Cloud of Glory made stay over the Tabernacle, abiding on it, the children of Israel abode, and journeyed not, and at the time of its uplifting they went forward. By the mouth of the Word of YHWHthey encamped, and by it they journeyed; they kept the observance of the Word of YHWH, by the mouth of the Word of YHWH through Mosheh.
Numbers 10:
10:2 – Calling of the assembly – Verses
10:9 – We are at war every day – Eph 6
And when you enter upon the order of the line of battle for your country, with oppressors who oppress you, then shall you blow the alarm on the trumpets, that the remembrance of you may come up for good before YHWH your Elohim, that you may be delivered from your enemies. And in the day of your rejoicings, and in your solemnities, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your consecrated victims, and they shall be for a good memorial to you before YHWH your Elohim; for Satana shall be troubled at the sound of your jubel notes: I am YHWH your Elohim.
Blowing for Priests only today? (think of holy of holies access)
Celebrate the New Moons – Verses
Numbers 11:
11:1-14 – Will we make the same mistakes? – Verses
- 2 Esdras 1
- Natsarim 15:12 (142)
- Happy with what you have first before..
11:30 – Spirit given – Verses
- Spirit can be taken – Verses
11:35 – Qivrot Hat-Ta’avah = “Graves of Craving”
Targums: The wicked ate of the flesh, yet offered no thanksgiving to Him who had given it to them: but while the flesh was between their teeth, and not consumed, the anger of YHWH waxed strong against the evil people, and YHWH slew the people with a very great mortality. And he called the name of that place, The Graves of the Desirers of Flesh; for there they buried the people who had desired flesh. And from the Graves of the Desirers the people journeyed to Hatseroth, and they were in Hatseroth
Numbers 12
12:16 – Gossips – Verses
- Summarize (Sirach 19:8)
Read Targums first paragraph
- Matt 18 Process & Lev 19
Numbers 11:1-14