Torah Portion Week 14 – Vaera – Exodus 6:2-9:35 – Study Notes 2024/2025

Torah Portion Week 14 – Va’era   “And I Appeared” (24-25)

Exo 6:2 – 9:35

Targum link

2 Esdras 15:10-19 – History Repeats


6:2-3 – His name! – Ps 22, John 17 & More

6:4-8 – What a love story!  – History will repeat! – Ecc, Jer 16, Deut 4 & more

6:9 – His people are in bondage today; spiritual bondage (beat down)

6:23- Levi & Judah mixing – Numbers 1:7

6:30- Moses is human (dealing with insecurity & rejection – Yah answers)

  • Moses feels outmatched by Pharoah and his counsellors, orators etc…
  • Imagine if YHWH called us to speak at the UN or White House…


7:1Yahuah will exalt Moses in the eyes of Pharaoh (remain humble) – Ps 25:9 & Others

7:2 – Same promise for his people in the end (pray for his words in situations) – Luke 21:15

7:3 – Hardened heart (YHWH allowed Pharoah’s heart to be hardened) –  Pro 16

7:5 – One day all the nations shall know – Is 52, Eze 37, Zeph 6 & More

7:13- Yahuah began with what they also knew/were able to do

7:22 – Water/blood/fish dying – Revelation 8 Parallel and supporting scriptures

Plague Chart (Exodus – Revelation) Comparison

Read Jasher 79:35- 80:5

  • Jasher 79:43 confirms Exo 6:3 (YHWH had not been declared yet)
  • Jasher 79:45 – WOW!

Targums mentions basilisk serpent for the ‘rod’

8) Don’t play The Word Audio for Chapter 8

8:1-8:15 – then read Jasher 80:6 – 9

  • Revelation 16 & 2 Tim 3
  • We must recognize the reason for leaving servitude of the world (to serve YHWH)
  • Moshe was passionate and meek (cried to YHWH to stop the plague)

8:16-19 – Then Jasher 80:10-12

8:20-32 – Then Jasher 80:13-23

  • Swarms – Flies is inserted, not in the text
  • Psalm 78:45
  • There will come a day when the inhabitants of the earth will know the division between who belongs to YHWH and who doesn’t (much like here in Egypt)

8:26 – Egyptians worshipped the sacrificial animals (why they made the calf in the wilderness)


9:1-7 – Then Jasher 80:24-26

‘Cattle’ in strongs  (livestock in general)

9:8-12 – Then Jasher 80:27 – 29

9:13- End – Then Jasher 80:30-32

  • Revelation parallels
  • A merciful YHWH who even warns his enemies what will happen if they don’t listen (9:19-20)
  • Think of how thick the pride of the people who didn’t listen at this point (history repeats)

Apocalypse of Abraham 30-31

  • Did fake news keep them from listening?

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