Torah Portion Week 13 – Shemot – Exodus 1-6:1 Study Notes 2024-2025

Torah Portion Week 13 – Shemoth “Names” Exo 1:1 – 6:1 (24-25)

This Torah Portion including the information found within Jasher is one of the most important sections of scriptures for our time now. What has happened before has and continues to happen today. This wisdom is directly from YHWH for his End-Times remnant.


Read chapter 1 (that escalated quickly, how did it happen?)
Jasher is vital to this Torah portion and the End Times – Link

Fills in all the details of how Israel went from ruling Egypt to slavery and other vital information


59:28, (59:1-27 repeats Gen 50 & Exo 1)

60 skip (History of Zepho, son of Eliphaz, Angeas, king of Africa)

61:1-15 (the rest is about Janiah,clean water heals the queen)

  • Reading this reminded me about the “American Spirit” and patriotism
  • Slaving to build up this nation against it’s enemies (we will see more in ch 65)

62:1-5, 23-24. (6-22 moab vs midian wars)

63:1-9 (9-35 Kittim vs Africa wars)

  • 63:7-8 – Afflicion for our good – Verses
  • Natsarim 4:31 (pg 49)
  • 9:33 (pg 91)
  • 9:55-57 (pg 96)
  • 63:2 (After Levi died, the priest, affliction came)

64:7-8, 40-50

65: All (Key chapter)

  • Wars and rumors of wars

66: All

Targums 1:16 – end

1:21 – They feared Yah, and not the decrees of men to do wickedness

  • Ps 118
  • YHWH rewarded the ‘deception’ that saved lives


Read Exodus 2 in segments, not the Word Audio


Exo 2:2 – Months

Jasher 67: All

Jasher 68: – First read Exo 15:20

  • Miriam a prophetess? Where was this prophecy?
  •  (Verse 4, read Enoch 106 & Noah)                                                                        

Jasher 69: All (Saul 40 years just like the first ‘King’)

Jasher 70: All (The story of Moses, the crown and the test)

  • 70:29 –  Slow of speech
  • Moses was great in the eyes of his people, then rejected him, just like Yahusha!
  • Interesting that the Sabbath was restored, then persecution, then Exodus!
  • Exo 5:17 “ye are idle”

Targums 2:1,

Read Exodus 2:11-15

71: All

72: Skip – Wars of Cush and Moses’ reign

73:1,28-34  – Numbers 12

  • 28-29 – 2 tim 3:8 (only mentioned by name in Jasher and Targums)
  • 2nd witness – Josephus (wiki page)

74: Skip, reign of different kings

75:– 30,000 Men from Ephraim trusted in their own strength to go into Canaan and take back their possession. They were all killed except 10.

Exodus 2:16-25


77: All


Exodus 3 all

3:6 – Elohim of the living – Matt 22

3:14 – I am – John 8:57-59

3:15 – His name – Multiple verses


4:10 – We learned earlier why

4:24-26 – Zipporah J

Jasher 78:7-16 & 79:1-12

Targums 4:20, 24-26


5:4-5 & 5:17 – Remember Moses instituted the Sabbath

5:23 – When we do the will of YHWH, sometimes it may seem as though we are getting nowhere, nevertheless, we push forward – Is 26

Jasher 79:21-31 (this will be where we pick back up next week)


Exodus 6:1

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