Testimony of the Ancient Path
We are Ancient Path Fellowship
- Share our testimony as an assembly (w/diff) – Revelation 12:11May not agree / Neighbors
- Return to the Ancient Path
- Jeremiah 6:16-19
- Hebrew word – ancient – Olam (forever, everlasting, perpetual)
- We’re called back to the Ancient Path – Narrow Path – Torah
- Same message to his people today (40,000 denominations)
- Jeremiah 6:16-19
- Lost Identity? – Gal 3:27-29 & Is 41:8
Rom 9, Eph 2:11-13,19 (for more on this) - Messiah’s Words Apply to us?
- Matthew 5:14-20
- Commandments of men – John 7:19 & Mat 15:1-9
- Their own righteousness – Rom 10:1-3
- Quotes – Deut 30:11-14
- 1 John 3:2-7 & 1 Tim 6 We must pursue righteousness
- Psalm 119:172 (commandments = righteousness)
- Yahusha seemed concerned about keeping the commandments
- If we love him… John 14 & 15
- The commandments he practiced are the ones we should also (teacher)
- Commandments of men – John 7:19 & Mat 15:1-9
- Matthew 5:14-20
- Pray
- Back to the first mention of love of this kind
- Two Greatest Commandments – Matt 22:35-40
- Paul had the same interpretation (keeping commandments is love) – Rom 13
- Not according to man’s ways & traditions
- Other Paul verses
- Salvation first – then Works (root/fruit)– Eph 2:8-10
- Good Works? – 2 Tim 3, John 14, Rom 2 & Matt 5
- Grow in the Faith –
– How do we do all this???? (Messiah didn’t keep all the law)
– 2 Peter 3 & Acts 15 - 10 Commandments – Sabbath? – Gen 2, Mark 2, Matt 24
- Holiness 1 Pet 1, Lev 19, Exo 31
- We are convicted & convinced that YHWH protected his 7th day (Sat)
- Historical records
- Historical records
- The Mark – Rev 13:15-17
- Worship involved & Mark, Name & Number
- Matthew 7 – Matt 7 & 1 John 2:1-7
- Why we received the spirit – Eze 36:26-27 & John 16
- Many are called, few chosen – Matt 22:14
- Way – Truth – Life
- Perfect example, follow me
- If we can do all things through christ… (why not the Torah?)
- Spirit & Truth (John 4)
- This is our testimony, and this is why we are on the Ancient Path and believe it is the narrow one!