
My youngest sister A.(14) was just sent away to a mental hospital for a year at least. She has been self harming and tried to commit suicide a month or so ago. It turns out she also had been making plans to murder my parents, and shoot up her school with a girl she developed a sinful relationship with…. Thank Yah this was all found out in time! It’s an awful situation that could have ended much worse. There’s so much more to this story but that’s the short of it. Please pray for her. Pray she gets the help she needs while away. Please pray for my parents, that they have a heart change. And please pray for my broken heart along with the rest of my family. I have so many siblings who are struggling right now. So much depression, and suicidal thoughts in my family. It’s been so difficult. A. is such a sweet kid (hard to believe but I promise she is) that’s why this is so shocking and sad. Thank you for the prayers. It’s been a rough few months.

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