Weekly Prayer List 3/11/2022
1. Anna Smith – Please pray for my mother Cathy. She is dying and she has rejected Messiah
2. Frank N Beans – Listen everyone our beloved b rother Taras Goncharenko is from Ukraine and his people are dying please lift him and his fellow countrymen in prayer and pray for his healing.
3. Richard White – I have been away from all chats for a while, because my Dad passed away. So it has been pretty hard. Dad and I were pretty tight.
4. Wynfeather – I’m hurting in some pain tonight. Would love your beautiful prayers mishpacha. Thank you.
5. Joy Kachur – Shabbat Shalom family. I need your prayers. The Canadian Senate is voting up to take away all benefits and pensions from those not “you know what”!
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Trixy True
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Curt Vanderford