Hello Mishpachah, from central Wisconsin. My wife and I have been retired since the fall of 2020, and spending our time looking into Yahs Word and Torah, seeking Truth. We are trying to learn and do our best when celebrating the Feasts, but strongly observe the Sabbath. We were both raised through a Christian church and came to the realization that we were missing something, we felt an emptiness inside. In 2017, we participated in a local Evangelist Ministry, that reached out into the local community to talk to people, share the Good News with them, and pray for any needs they had. One day, my partner and I ended up going to a rummage sale, where the couple was about my age and did not look busy, so we decided to see if there was anything we could pray for them. It turned out that they were both excited to share their faith and information about Hebrew Roots. This was something brand new to me, and I enjoyed listening to what they had shared. Once I got home, I did some fact checking on the information they had shared. I was seeing the Christian Church was celebrating pagan holidays and teaching the Law (Torah) was done away with and I was covered under the new Dispensation of Grace. I began watching YouTube Videos and researching the Hebrews Root Movement, as I enjoy learning and researching. My eyes were being opened to the truth, and the emptiness I was feeling was now being filled. I ran across videos from Justin and Adam a few months ago, and enjoy listening to their teachings. My wife and I are looking for fellowship with like minded people and have found a small group here in Wisconsin, and looking for others we can share, learn, and grow with. It is great that my wife has joined me on this journey, and eager to learn. We have drawn closer together through this walk and journey together (it does help that we are both retired and together most of the time). I should not be alive today, according to the cardiologist from two previous heart attacks, the last one required open heart surgery (which was a miracle considering all of the “circumstances” – YAH’s divine providence). Yahuah has plans for us, he’s not finished yet (Phillipians 1:6) . I have had stuggles in the past with lustful desires and amazed my wife never gave up on me. I wasted so many years ignoring my wife and children, all under the allusion of being covered by Grace, and no Torah. My temple has been rededicated and Yahusha Ha’Messiach is the Adoni of my heart now. Shalom. (Numbers 6: 24 – 26)
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