Hi, Please forgive my lack of using this site. I was happy to see that my first post was read, and not criticized. Having the little ones to watch and their still growing families, I am so pleased how YHVH continues to bless me. I have many questions about topics in Torah, circumcision being a hot topic. Nine years back when my younger grandson was born, I learned my son and his wife choice not to have this done. Her father, a Jewish believer, told me to pick my battles, two boys later while reading Torah and New book I am upset I did not speak up. Talking with my old friend she believes its all a allegory, wow I do not see it this way. I never thought to question not having it done for my three sons, I had not even really read the Bible back in. My latest grandson sickly, but growing stronger now 45 days old and home with us, did not have it done, his dad said no. Well that 33 year old boy is not an active part of our little guys life. While giving him baths my daughter is afraid to pull skin back that she’ll hurt him. I am going to Pray that Father will give me the words needed to encourage her to have it done, for YHVH sake and this little baby boys. While in hospital and worried sick about her and her sons future, she came to understand my and other friends prayers where heard and answered. She no longer hushes me when she hears my prayers over her and her son. I so pray that she come to believe, next to me on her own journey. When I watched the Passover gathering, the grandma who traveled far to be with her family, the children, the young men and women joyfully singing and worshiping, it brought tears to my eyes. I so want to attend, a dream come true would be my daughter and her little baby would join me. Coming out of Babylon she is doing slowly, being a single mom at 29, she is doing. I have learned and pray that my actions with all my family and life journey will help all my kids and grandchildren, to want what Yeshua has done for me. I was told in March I had lung cancer, only YHVH has control over my last breath. I watched family men fight that fight with trips for chemo, Doctor appointments, their quality of life was terrible and I felt they died faster. I will not play Doctor in their establishment. Only Yeshua can walk with me on this journey. Its amazing what faith can do, the testimony of BELIEVING in HIM not man can make. As I tell those who ask, I do not have time for that! I get up everyday doing what YHVH puts before me, so happy its helping young moms with their babies. HE has brought me so,too far to trust in man, Only HE is in charge of my life. Have a wonderful weekend….Thanks
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