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About Me

Arielle Borup

I'm a baby Christian - here to learn more about what Jesus Christ meant when He said, "If you love me, keep my commandments."

I was born into the religion of Christian Science. After high school and a lot of anger/confusion toward God, I became atheist. Then I became what I thought was "psychic" and got swept into the New Age insanity for a few years. The year 2020 opened my eyes wide to the evil and wickedness in this world, as well as the evil and wickedness within me. I began reading my Holy Bible, after years of gathering dust, in April of 2021. (It seemed like my Bible was the dusty thing, but really it was my soul.) I was baptized in water on June 13th, 2021. Praise God, YHWH, who makes all things new!

A couple months ago a question popped into my mind: why don't Christian's celebrate Passover? I didn't even know God was listening! But He led me here by way of seemingly random events. God works in mysterious ways and truly, He knows my heart! I've been blessed by what I'm learning in this ministry, and wanted to have fellowship with more people who, like me, want to follow the whole Word.

I attend a Southern Baptist church in Boise, ID and I started keeping the true Sabbath a couple weeks ago.

(And forgive me, I'm still praying about and getting used to the names of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son used here, the Hebrew names and pronunciations take a little adjusting... but I love that there are some people named Jesus on this earth - but I don't think anyone is named YAHUSHUA! What a beautiful name Yahushua is!)
