• Profile picture of Alaina Andrus

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    1 year, 12 months ago

About Me

Alaina Andrus

Hi all! I’m new to Torah and seeking fellowship! 🙂

I’m 28, a mom of two beautiful children and in the process of getting married to their father- whom I’ve been with for 11 years.

I was born and raised in central New York. I was baptized Catholic as an infant, and my family was firmly devoted to the church during my youth. When I was 11 years old we walked away from the church because my Dad woke up to the corruption and hypocrisy within Catholicism. He completely walked away from his faith and lead the rest of us away as well, but a piece of my soul clung to God.

By the time I was a teenager I was drowned in worldly idols. I wrestled with the idea of a creator in my college years. I became pregnant with my first born at 19, who- as a big surprise to us- came with an extra chromosome. Nonetheless, he and his little sister have brought so much joy to our lives!

Jamie (fiancé) and I have struggled with addictions to weed, alcohol and chasing lusts for most of our relationship together. In spring of 2021, after a year of the pandemic and chaos, I had hopped on the New Age spirituality bandwagon. It was at this time that I heard God speak to me for the first time ever in my life. It was so simple, yet so profound “why are you here?” I was about to go into a metaphysical store to buy my very first crystal. I was confused at first, as I had never heard such a loud voiceless voice, I hadn’t yet read Torah, nor understood his law.  So I continued. I was guided by a family member who considered themselves a “physical medium”, but after countless panic attacks, demonic visions and exhaustion from nightmares- I finally cried out to Jesus (the only name I knew at the time).

Immediately after this I had a profound dream that lead me to reading the Bible cover to cover. All the demonic visions, panic attacks and nightmares had stopped. There became a calmness and peace over us that I had been longing for years. The Torah filled me with so much more wisdom and understanding that I hadn’t realized I was lacking. Everything leading up to this moment began to make sense. Slowly, I began having “Torah observant” content creators slip into my social media- i.e the importance of His name and the obedience and blessing in His Torah… these were concepts I had never even heard before- but I felt this truth deep in my soul. And thus, I was lead here!

My fiancé at this time was not Godly, nor was he raised with a Godly foundation. I was worried for his health as he was a little deeper in his addictions. Yahusha instructed me to pray for him. Over the span of a few months, Jamie also began having profound dreams that changed his heart and his mind. Today we are so far from who we were. We now have sober minds and joyful hearts. Praise Yah!

Our first Torah observation was that we immediately stopped eating unclean animals. This was an easy fix as I had been on a nutrition kick prior to coming to his word. I had learned previously how pork was awful. Then we researched the pagan roots of our worldly holidays, and decided we would no longer be celebrating those, and that we would be observing Yah’s feasts instead. (This was easier said than done, but we’re getting there! This spring we threw away all Christmas, Easter & Halloween decorations after sitting untouched for a year! This year has been many firsts for our feasts, so they aren’t perfect, but we’re giving them our all!)

By September 2021 we had officially observed our first Shabbat. This was quite the transition, but the peace I feel now on sabbath is truly amazing! We are taking baby steps while still getting convicted, and having new revelations constantly! HalleluYAH!

Our immediate friends and families are not on board with our newfound relationship with Yahusha. They are trying their best to be as supportive as they can (bless them!)… but they think we are crazy. (We don’t care!) It’s been upsetting and isolating to say the least, and we continue to pray for them.

So to make a long story short, I figured I’d come here to this amazing place to find some fellowship! We don’t have much to offer right now, but we are here to learn and create community with all of you, hoping our story can reach and resonate with someone! Much love 💕
