Maira Calahan

Please pray for my husband Heath ???? I have been reading YAHS word constantly and He has been opening my eyes even more today than before He woke me and my husband up back in late 2015-2016 and we finally gave our lifes to Yahusha in the fall of 2016 we got married and started our walk with YAH over the years we have been on and off in His word we always knew YAH had woken us up and we knew something was wrong with this world when He started to show us so my husband is a believer but unfortunately he has not yet fully and wholeheartedly committed to Him I pray for YAH I sob and cry bitterly to please open his eyes more to His word and to cling to Him and to fully trust Him. My husband still watches shows that distract him so much from what’s important it hurts to watch so I ask to please keep him in your prayers dearly may YAH bless you and your family ????

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