Jerusalem Will Be Destroyed (Again) Study Notes

Jerusalem Will Be Destroyed (Again)

History Repeats – “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.” – Ecclesiastes 1:9

History: Jerusalem was destroyed, will happen again

  • Prophets of old called for her destruction – Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zephaniah… No one believed them

Trump / Harris Debate – Was led to listen in:

  • “If she’s president, I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now, and I’ve been pretty good at predictions. I hope I’m wrong about that one, she hates Israel,” Trump said. “At the same time, in her own way, she hates the Arab population, because the whole place is going to get blown up. Arabs, Jewish people, Israel, Israel will be gone

    • (I believe he is right) Prediction “declaration made in advance”

      • Synonyms: prognosis, forecast, divination, foretelling, soothsaying, or–prophecy!

    • Predictive programming (9/11)
    • False prophets even get some things right (Balaam)

Mystery Babylon (Jerusalem) is a Mystery to His People

  • USA will get what’s coming to it – Rev 18:3-4
  • Beasts  Rome  Rev 13 2nd Beast revives Rome  Whore rides USA

Rome – 4th Beast , USA 2nd Beast of Rev– Daniel 7 & Rev 13
Online – Who do you think Mystery Babylon is? – chat, comments

Let me prove to you scripturally that Jerusalem will be destroyed again

Mystery Babylon, That Great City, JerusalemVerses

  • Only other mentions of “Great City” in Tanakh
  • Gibeon (Benjamin) Resen – Near Nineveh, or Nineveh

Babylon – Blood of the Prophets  – Verses

  • Messiah identifies Jerusalem as Mystery Babylon, the one with ALL of the blood on her

The Prophesied Cup of Wine/WrathVerses

Jerusalem: The Abomination – Verses

  • Two abominations in Daniel 11:31 (Antiochus)
  • Other in Daniel 9

Must be surrounded by waters – nations multitudes Revelation 17:15

  • Reigns over the kings of the earth – (She rides the beast) – Eze 5 & Rev 2:9

Clothed in purple (Vatican) – merchandise – Verses

Seven Hill (Rome) – Jerusalem also

Babylon, The Habitation of Devils/DragonsVerses

Jerusalem will be protected!Verses

The Day of YHWHVerses

Her Sorceries?1 Sam 15:23

Song of Moses ProphecyVerses

“I sit a queen and am no widow”  – Verses

  • 2 Esdras 2 reality – Verses

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