Feast of Trumpets 2021 (Notes)


Welcome brothers and sisters to the start of the Fall Festivals of Yahuah; what a joyous time! Tonight, is the Feast of Trumpets, a day with major end-times implications. The announcement of the return of Yahusha, the coronating of the king, the day of the resurrection, the opening of the books, the regathering of the great assembly and much more!  If you are fascinated by prophecy, look to the feast days; Yahuah has encoded the end times within them, especially Yom Teruah!


Blow shofars or shout (Teruah!!!!)



The Command: Lev 23:23-25 https://pofthevineyard.wpengine.com/cepher/leviticus/


What do we do?


If you’re wondering why we are celebrating it a month after most people, please see this video: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=feast+of+trumpets+2021+september+or+october


  • We should not be contentious with another over interpretations regarding the calendar. This is a great test of where our hearts really are.


Yom Teruah is a call to repentance/ a wakeup call / an alarm! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=jer+6%3A16-17%2C+ps+119%3A1%2Cmatt+7%3A13-14%2C+is+58%3A1%2C+eze+33%3A1-11%2C+hos+8%3A1%2Cps+89%3A15%2Cis+24%3A12-18%2C++john+14%3A6%2C+john+1%3A1%2C14%2C+psalm+119%3A1%2C+psalm+119%3A142%2C+deut+32%3A46-47%2C+pro+13%3A14&version=KJV




A day to coronate the king https://classic.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+kings+1%3A32-34%2C+39-41&version=GNV




Can you imagine the sound of that trumpet/shofar?

  • Think of a worldwide tornado siren
  • Think of the conditioning via Hollywood (War of the Worlds Sounds)


It is also the announcement of the wedding.



Getting back to sounding the alarm – this Moed is preparing us for that day:







The great gathering: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+thes+4%3A15-18%2C+deut+30%3A1-5%2C+is+27%2C+matt+24%3A29-34%2C+neh+8%3A1-12%2C++is+44%3A21-23%2C+zeph+3%3A6-20%2C+1+cor+15%3A51-52&version=KJV



Isaiah 27 Targums (pg 83) https://books.google.com/books?id=_boCAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=chaldee+paraphrase+Isaiah#v=onepage&q&f=true



Deut 30 Targums: http://targum.info/pj/pjdt29-30.htm


Throne room scene:

Rev 4-5 https://pofthevineyard.wpengine.com/cepher/revelation/



Rev 19 Summary – The shout & Marriage, then war! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=rev+19-20&version=KJV





Finish with psalm 89 Targums: http://targum.info/pss/ps3.htm




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