
SJ Mott – I just wanted to let you know (as well as any other spouse out there) that you aren’t alone. I too am the only one who is Torah observant in my house. I don’t have children but my husband at this time wants nothing to do with YHWH’s set apart ways. At first, I thought if I just kept arguing my point that I could make him see what is so obvious to the rest of us. Not so. It took my husband telling me that the more I push and nag, the farther he wants to run from God. I then realized that nothing I do can remove the scales from his eyes. That’s YHWH’s job and it’s His Will on whether he removes those scales or not. All I can do is pray and (humbly) plant seeds. Just the other day, we had a civil conversation about clean vs unclean animals. While I don’t think I changed his mind, I do think I planted a seed. I would recommend you watch Torah Sisters on YouTube. She did an excellent series on wives of husbands who aren’t Torah observant. New2Torah also has a video that touched on that subject as well. Shalom sister! I’ll be praying for you.

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