Shabbat Shalom! I don’t know how to explain it but my soul feels heavy today. I also feel a deep sadness and frustration with the world. I look around and see so many people excited to celebrate this evil “holiday” and it just saddens me. So many people are lost. I just want to shout at people to wake up! Maranatha!! Especially to the “Christians” who go all out to celebrate this day and believe it to be all fun and games. I just don’t understand how so many people can still be asleep. I’m sorry for my rant. You all know how I feel as I’m sure you’re feeling the same way too today. Just please take some time today to be in prayer for everyone you know who is still asleep to the Truth. Pray that YHWH will soften their hearts and open their eyes to His Truth. And that they will have a desire to want to celebrate His Set Apart feasts instead of the world’s holidays. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
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