• Profile picture of Heather White

    Heather White

    3 years ago

    Approaching March and preparing for my bicycle tour, traveling from home in Mesa, Az to the Riverfront Camp ground for Sukkot 2022!

    It would be wonderful to have company on this ride, with someone who has the same spiritual need. The time of travel is estimated at a 4 day ride, without any hurry or unexpected traveling issues like flat tires or weather.

    This gathering means so very much to me, meeting fellow believers, hopefully become family.
    As the day draws near, may we all take our stand, remain firm and humble. I look forward to seeing everyone soon!


About Me

Heather Rene'White

Humble Student

Shabbat and Shaaaaalom!

Thanks to Yahuah, the Most High and Yahusha who has seen me, hearing my pleas for upbuilding fellowship that is Torah!

I'm an open book. Hoping that I may be put to use by my Eliohym, to right many wrongs.  My search for Truth began at 8 years, high up in the very top of a pine tree to become closer to God, asking the question: Why was I born to this family? My baby brother can not move his legs. No crawling, not able to walk, run, skip about like me? Catholics teaching we are born to families we choose from heaven. What? I couldn't make sense of this, so keep asking because I trust he will answer my questions.  My parents raised 3 girls and a boy as Nudists. Secrets keep at home, no one knew for 16 years. My parents divorced, kicking me out of my home to live in a Baptist Church bus. Attempted to continue with my education as I was only in the 11th. grade.  My GPA was 4.0, making money to feed and keep myself washed by tutoring and doing homework assignments.   Horrible abuse from those whom are supposed to keep you safe, and loved. Married twice, divorced twice because of physical, financial, mental, and emotional abuse. Searching all the while for answers in the Bible. Many, many various forms, yet proving false. Until one day in 1985, two women came to my door, preaching good news of the Kingdom. What a horrible mistake! Not knowing any better, I became a Jehovah's witnesses. 16 years, a Full time preacher, putting in over 100 hours a week! Now, I am filled with much guilt for having lead so many in the wrong direction! Loosing all my family members because they are "worldly".  I was no longer welcome as my husband divorced me. The innocent one, the congregation disassociated themselves from me, ignoring me, the sister called a pillar! 2004 I found myself alone. About 8 years ago, the woman my x had his affair, became pregnant with his child! These people told him, Marry her or be disfellowshipped. They're married. Me? Homeless, because employment loss. Lived in my tent, on dispersed camping sites in the Huachuca mountains of Sierra Vista, AZ. Shelter in Bisbee was not safe.  Having hit a state of spiritual starvation, my life mattered not. Just take me, let me die! One day I decided to shop for food stuffs. I overheard a conversation about a YouTube site called Parable of the Vineyard, a study of Enoch. So, here I am, send me!  To any and all who'd like to be my friend, know that I am true.  Sometimes, it gets me in trouble, need more salt with my words. Hehe. An artist of all mediums.  Professional cyclist until my knees quit.  Thanks to osteoarthritis, no more cartilage.  Thank you so very much for reading a little bit about me.  Adam F. If I could get together and be apart of a community, My strong desire to commune. Where I can live, be apart of a family worshipping and Shabbat with His True Followers.

Much appreciation, and love, Heather





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