Weekly Prayer List – 1/21/2022
1. Bowman 82 – Please pray for me. I’m really sick and have a headache that won’t go away. Please pray I get sleep.
2. Ancient Path Walker – Please pray with me for those mishpachah that are very sick right now with the nasty bug that’s been going around. Praying for complete healing from my own long term illness.
3. WeneedJesus! – I repent of all that! I was on a wrong part, and my children went with me. I repent of raising rebellious children! I appreciate prayers to help get us all on the right track.
4. Jo-Ann Zinni – going to say goodnight to all the fam, I hurt my neck banging my head, so I’m kinda spinning, love to all, formerly known as joanzee. Shabat shalom
5. Ruth Scott – Love your videos, you don’t know how much they bless me. Struggling with a 53 year old addiction – cigarette & need prayer & strength
6. Ashley Spriggs – shabbat shalom brothers and sisters if y’all wouldn’t mind keeping me in your prayers terrible infection on my teeth and ears there’s a lot of pain! Hoping to get in to have this bad tooth removed asap
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Trixy True
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