Prayer Requests 12/10/2021
1. Shem’Yah – Please pray for this sister: Shalom family. Can we please pray for little Cailan who has a rare condition that causes hyperglycemia. He has been vomiting which has worsened his condition leaving his little body weak.
2. Shem’Yah – please pray for our sister Lisa, she is very unwell
3. Caroline – Please someone help me now Yah has given me many warnings to reform my ways but there is a sense today is cut off day. Please please help me and intercede I beg you x
4. Walter James – Charlene, Sarah, Isaac need pray for, Please pray for seven day advance church…
5. Joan Zee – if anyone of the family would pray for me as I have banged my head and compressed my neck down two vertebrae, much thanks blessings & love to all. In Yahushua ha moschiach.
6. Fanny Sells – Thanks, I have a very close loved one who won’t hear truth and listens to those groups Hillsong, Bethel and all spawns of theirs, please pray for my loved one.
7. WeneedJesus! – please pray for my girls and I and our escape!
8. Trixy True – please pray for my son who is addicted to gaming
9. Adam_&_Treva – My sister claims to a witch. It is terrifying to me. Her name is Amy please pray for her and her family.
10. Ancient Path Walker – I would like to also ask for prayers tonight for complete healing of my body please. If it is Abba’s will. I’m sick. I need to go to the doctor but don’t want to go. I haven’t been well for a while.
11. Legionary – Need same prayers tonight everyone…Suffering with very bad anxiety & insomnia this week
12. Kristy B – please pray for my daughter she has surgery Monday for cancer / tumor removal, they will have to peel back part of her face.
13. camilo avila – Shabbat shalom brothers and sisters! Please pray for my family and I. We are going through one of the toughest seasons of our lives and need strength, loving kindness to cling onto YAHWEH wholeheartedly.
14. Mistha Tru – @Trixy True please add me to the prayer list. Elohim knows.
15. Bobby E – We need a big prayer request for brother Ken Chittum. He has been in the hospital since tues with covid and they put him on a vent. Please pray we can get in there to convince them to take him off. Ken Chittum in concord NC. Please we need all the prayers for him.
16. Donna scott – I’m still fighting CV-19 pneumonia…
17. K T – May I ask for prayers. I am still waiting to hear about my request for religious exemption from jab. I am a Fed Gov employee here in Canada. If denied, I will be put on forced leave w/o pay
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Trixy True
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