Prayer List, Friday, September 24, 2021
1. LaDonna Teague – health problems, home bound
2. Debbie Schmidt – on behalf of her Father, Al Kretsinger – Hospitalized with covid
3. SeanJTharpe – Please pray for me. I am going through the hardest time of my life and need all the prayer I can get. Homeless is not easy. I never thought I would be here in my life, but here I am.
4. Veronica Kno – @TrixyTrue just simply for Yahuahs to show us a way.. dont want to get into the details..
5. Matthew Foster – Oh Yes to prayer requests!
6. Wynfeather – Justin Best
7. Rob Skiba
8. valerie angelino – I have a prayer request Thank you Trixy, Please pray my 2 children are healed from Autism, And my children come back to YESHUA (Joseph, Joshua, Jonathan, Jiovanni, Alyssa), we were homeless and the church we attended treated us terribly years ago ,so they walked away
9. J Laurelle – I’m so sorry to hear that, Valerie. I will pray for your children. Will you please pray for my son who is suffering from terrible intrusive thoughts and Tourette’s?
10. Cyklop – please pray for my house and my addictions, please, Konrad
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Trixy True
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