Torah Portion Week 24 – Leviticus 1:1 – 6:7 Vayikra Study Notes – 2024 – 2025

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Torah Portion 24 – Vayikra “and he called” 24-25

Leviticus 1:1 – 6:7

Before we begin – Vayikra means: “and he called” – Verses

  • Teaches clean and unclean, profane and holiness: – Verses
  • We aren’t sacrificing – but there are spiritual aspects to glean
  • Freewill Sacrifices and offerings will resume in N.Jeru – Verses
  • What are sacrifices supposed to symbolize – Natsarim 3:31-35 (40)

  • Olah (Whole burnt offering) – for total consecration of the offeror’s life to YHWH
  • Mincha (Grain offering) – token of the offeror’s life to his fellow man & detachment from cares of possessions
  • Shelamim (Peace offering) – symbolizes fellowship between YHWH and His people
  • Chatat (Sin offering) – brought to atone for personal or congregational sin
  • Asham (Guilt offering) – brought for sins not considered as serious as the sin offering, swearing falsely, etc.


All the sacrifices point to Yahusha and what he did for us
Olah is voluntary

1:2 – Clean animals, clean people (offering) in his sight – Verses

1:4 – The animal is in our place – Jasher 23:74-75

1:10 – Yahusha is the unblemished one (we walk like he walks) – Verses

Olah is a whole burnt offering – We have to fully give ourselves to him – Verses

  • We give everything we have – Verses


Meat = Mincha – grain offering – voluntary offering to draw near to YHWH

2:1 – Expensive ingredients (for that time) Remember Elisha story?

2:5 – Yahusha is the unleavened bread from heaven

2:11 – No leaven (bad doctrine) Without leaven – Verses

2:12 – 144,000 are the firstfruits (not burnt) – Verses

2:13 – Salt – Verses – covenant of salt article

Salt: Flavors, preserves
destroying (proclaiming judgement) – Verses

Fertilizing – remember, the world is a field and we are here to help the harvest

Yahusha fulfilled the Olah and mincha: – Psalm 40:6 interlinear

Obviously he was anointed with oil! – Verses


Shelamim – peace/ thanksgiving offering – a way to thank and draw near to him

  • Draw near: – Verses
  • Yahusha is our peace offering – Verses

3:10 – Kidneys

  • Hidden organs (they are the last you get to in the body)
  • Likened to the ‘inner man’ depths of the will/being
  • Verses

3:14 – The Fat

  • It is the richest part of an animal.
    • This should be a reminder to give Yahuah our best – Verses
  • How can we give the fat to Yahuah these days?
    • Fasting puts the fat on the altar 

3:17 – Don’t eat all the riches and don’t consume one’s life (symbology)



4:6 – sprinkling blood for our sins – Verses

4:9 – Liver – Anger

4:14 – We can’t turn a blind eye when we realize error

4:18 – 4 chambers of the heart


Asham – Guilt offering – Verses

Yahusha – Offered for sin – Verses

5 end – 1 John 2 (if we stumble/mess up) – Verses


Sacrifices – Verses

Psalm 50 (Aramaic)

He announced the ceasing of animal sacrifices many times – Verses

End with Sirach – Verses

Announcements – Sukkot, assistance

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