Torah Portion Week 16 – Exodus 13:16 – 17:16 – Study Notes 2024/2025

                             Torah Portion Week 16 – Beshalach “When he let go” 24/25

Exo 13:17 – 17:16


13:17-18 – Not avoiding war but seeing the utter defeat in war that came upon the children of Ephraim.  Jasher 75

  • Aramaic 13:17

13:19 – Burial was important (contrast with cremation) – 2 Kings 23

13:21-22 – Led by pillar of cloud by day an fire by night – Zech 2, Jer 23, Psalm 119:105…

  • Strongs Jude 1:5
  • Messiah was the one in the wilderness – 1 Cor 10:1-4
  • Warmth at night, cool shelter in the daytime heat
  • Targums 13:21 – (He’s the commander of Yah’ Army. A good commander leads from the front) –  Rev 19, John 1, PS 119
  • With them day and night (just as he is now)  – Matt 28


14:3 – Read Targums for clarification

14:14 – stop and read Jasher 81:5-35

  • How many of us need to hold our peace and let YHWH do battle for us?

14:19-20 – Interesting the enemy couldn’t see the light – Pro 6, Ps 119, John 1, John 3…

14:31 – Jasher 81:36-44

  • Pharaoh in Nineveh? (Same ruler when Jonah came? Or at least passed the info down)
  • Many times in the scriptures we see a remnant of the enemy remains to tell the story, or to serve YHWH’s purpose.

Targum: 14:24, 31

At the end – play documentary pt.5 clip (cut to 7ish min)

15) – The Song of History and Prophecy

It’s the same story at the end. Yahusha grabs his people from slavery, the enemy chases after and is annihilated. – First by water (flood), then by fire. – Rev 19

Exo 15:3 – Interlinear

15:4 – Sea – Lake of fire

15:5 – Depths (bottomless pit)

15:9 – Pride – Hatred.  – James 4:1-4

15:13-16 – Isaiah 33:1-14 & Eze 22 and Zeph

15:21 – We will sing this all together one day – Rev 15

15:24 – No matter how much one of Israel’s leaders do for the people, they are always quick to turn on them (Moses, David, Messiah)

15:25 – How soon they went from rejoicing to murmuring?  Close to the parable of the sower (choked up) – 2 Esdras 1


16:3 – Excellent reminder never to be too comfy with our situation here in Egypt.  – Num 11

16:4 Proving them/us – Deut 8

16:8 – Food began in the evening

16:18 – Contentment – Phil 4

16:23 – Bake what you will bake, the word kol (all) could have been used here but it wasn’t

16:29 – Is this an everlasting command? – Luke 4 & Matt 12

16:36 – How much is an Omer? – Wiki page

2 Baruk 29 – End times manna


17:7 – compare with Yahusha, our rock – 1 Cor 10, John 7, John 4, Deut 32

17:12 – Moses needed help 

17 end – Jasher 81:52-end

Targums 17:1, 13, 15-16

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