Torah Portion Week 11 & 12 – Genesis 44:18 – 50:26 Study Notes 2024-2025

Torah Portion Week 11 & 12 – Vayigash and Vayechi (24-25)

Gen 44:18-50:26

Last week: joseph rises to power, the 10 go to Egypt to buy food, joseph tests them, then places the cup in benjamin’s sack – they return to egypt




45:1-3 (Optional) Read Jasher account 53:31 – 54:73 (read 54:55-73 livestream)

45:5-7 – Testament of Benjamin 3:6-4:5

45:8 – Turning a purpose of evil for good Gen 50:20

45: End – Jasher 54:91 – 55:1


46:4 – Think of all those years Jacob prayed to Yahuah about Joseph (going unanswered)
Luke 18

  • “I will go down with you”!! Is 46

46:29 – Jasher 55:8-15


47:9 – Hard life – Book of the Natsarim 10:44 (pg 107)

3:19-20 (pg 37)

3:49-50 (pg 43)

4:28-30 (pg 48)

9:56-63 (pg 96)

47:12 – Think of the famine and migration into America, end times Egypt. 2 Esdras

  • Famine of the word brought men and women into this country

47:20 – Take a lesson from this, be prepared Proverbs 27:12

47:26 – The same law exists today in Egypt

47 Week 12

Jasher 56:1-4


48:15 – Matt 6:33

48:16 – Angel who redeems – Many verses

48:19 – Meloha Goyim – Fullness of the gentiles – Rom 11:25


Reuben – Targums 49:3-4

Simeon & Levi

  • Levi was scattered throughout the land of inheritance


  • Judah didn’t have the greatest start (but finished well).
  • YHWH selected him to be king even with his faults
  • Jasher 56:8-9 (cross reference with 2 Sam 1:18)

“Kings shall not cease from the house of Jehuda, nor sapherimteaching the Torah from his children’s children, until the time that the KingMashiak shall come, whose is the kingdom, and to whom all the kingdoms ofthe earth shall be obedient. How beauteous is the King Mashiak, who is toarise from the house of Jehuda” – Aramaic

Septuagint version



Dan – Sampson (16) and warfare tactics (17)?





“Benjamin I will liken him to a ravening wolf. In his limits will the

sanctuary be built, and in his inheritance the glory of the Presence of Yahuah

will dwell. In the morning will the priests offer the continual lamb and

its oblations, and at the going down of the sun will the priests offer the

continual lamb and its oblations, and at evening divide the offerings of the

sons of Yashar’El” – Aramaic

End, read Jasher 56:10-14


50:21 – Forgiveness – Matt 6

Read Jasher 58:1-13 & 30, 59:20-end

(Jasher 57 wars between Esau and Jacob in Egypt – Setting the stage for the future)

Culminating Genesis: This is our true origins and history lessons.  Where we came from and how the world was created – sin, the flood, idolatry, wickedness and the consequences thereof.

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