Torah Portion Week 9 – Vayeshev – Genesis 37:1 – 40:23 Study Notes – 2024

Torah Portion Week 9 – Va’Yeshev “and he lived” (24-25)
Joseph’s dreams, Judah and Tamar, Joseph is sold, Joseph and Potiphars wife and the 2 dreams in Jail interpreted by Joseph

Gen 37:1 – 40:23


37:2 – Evil report – Gad 1:2-10

37:3 – Are we sons and daughters of Yah’s old age? 2 Esdras 5

37:4 – Why do others dislike what we do so much? – Is 59 & Wisdom 3,5

37:11 – Mention Leah – Jasher 41:2-3

37:36 – Read Jasher account – Jasher 41:19-34

Testament of Simeon – 1:7-20

Testament of Zebulon – 1:5-20

Joseph on the road with the Ishmaelites – Jasher 42:1-29, 44-48


Judah and Tamar

Testament of Judah 2:10-31

Jasher 45:23-24


39:3 –  Whatever it is you do, do it with all your being (prospering even in the worst situations)  – – Col 3, 1 Pet 2, Eph 6, Ps 1

  •  Yahuah will raise you up in due time 1 Sam 2

39:20 – Read Testament of Joseph 1:25-81

39:21-23 – Here he probably had the right attitude again (Ps 1:3 prosper)

Jasher 44:12-15, 55-79


40:23 – The pattern repeated with Daniel (dreams) and subservient to an earthly king


For God loveth him who in a den of wickedness combines fasting with chastity, rather than the man who in kings’ chambers combines luxury with license


For he that feareth God and loveth his neighbour cannot be smitten by the spirit of Beliar, being shielded by the fear of God.

Test of Benj 1:16

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