Torah Portion Week 5 – Genesis 23:1 – 25:18 Study Notes 2024-2025

Torah Portion Week 5 (24-25)

Chayei Sarah – “Life of Sarah” – Gen 23:1 – 25:18

Death of Sarah, Purchase of Machpela & Eliezeer sent to get Rebekkah


23:1-2 – The Sarah you never saw: (we read this last week) Jasher 23:1-19

  • Reminder of the servant forgiven the debt
  • Jasher 23:76-90

  • Take it patiently: Sirach 2:1-11

Writings of Abraham 148-153,  (163)

23:20 – These are more deeds of Abraham, completely humble.  Who is our neighbor (Good Samaritan)? – Luke 10:25-37

Doing good to all (neighbors) – Multiple verses (a new way of thinking)

Winning Souls Writings of Abraham 55 (pg 86), 80 (pg 106)

  • How can we ever think to make true converts hating the people outside of covenant
    • Contrast with how jews today think of outsiders? link
      • (Reminder) We are not called to be Jewish


24:15 – Answering prayer before even asked – Verses about prayer (Is 65, Ps 34 etc..)

24:21 – Hospitality was the sign from YHWH – John 13, Gal 5, Matt 7 (fruits)

24:33 – Fasting whilst on his mission

24:43 – This passage combined with Gen 24:16 shows alma can also mean virgin, just as Bethula            24:43 – Alma (virgin)

24:48 – We can ask him to go before us still this day

24:52 – Are we as thankful to YHWH when he delivers? – Ps 150

24:60 – Be the mother of thousands of millions (she was the mother of two nations)

  • Children and enemies at the gate verses (Job 5, Ps 127, Sirach 30)
  • “The Gate” is a place for entering into battle, or the place for judgement, civil matters

24:67 – Some use this verse to say relations = marriage


25-end – Jasher 26:21-End

  • Abraham brought the children of the earth to the service of YHWH

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