Christie Coats

Shalom, Adam! Please pray for my health to be restored. I 63 yrs and am alone. Yes! I have Adonai, Yeshua and Ruacḥ Ha-qodesh with me! I’ve been having weakness, faintness, increased heart beat, “labored breathing” from simply walking across a room for months. My downfall in health began May 2019. It got to this point this year and has caused me to use a wheelchair when someone takes me to the grocery. I lost my car via Covid so I have to reach out for help or take Uber. Anyway, I’m not complaining as Adonai removed the car for a reason. I just want to be strong enough to do things such as attend Hebrew class and to be able to work on a home business but most importantly to be able to spread the Gospel to homeless people that God showed me in downtown Houston. Perhaps God wants me to reach out to another for prayer so that it can give Him glory when He heals. He healed me of a Tumor in the mid ’80’s. It was there on the tests and then after going for prayer, it was gone. It’s gone! He hasn’t healed me of Fibromyalgia that I’ve had since a head on collision in ’82, but He has used it for His glory as I am a testimony of having profound illness to raising 6 children, attending college and working in the work world. I’m sorry that I’ve made a book here. It’s a piece of my testimony.

Thank you for reading and discussing ALL Biblical text to people like me for 2 years on Shabbat.


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