
I’m asking for prayers for me, my husband Zack and our unborn child… We were living with my parents but can no longer stay there due to my Father literally threatening my life, telling me to get an abortion, constant arguments between him and my mother and their daily drug and alcohol abuse… We are currently homeless living in our tent we bought for sukkot and out of our vehicle… We both have been working but we have been playing catch up with our bills the past few months and have no money saved to get into a home… I know Yah wanted us out of that environment and what sparked us to leave was meant to be. We trust Yah with our lives and well being to the fullest and have been praying for his guidance and help. Even trusting in Yah and knowing all this is happened for a reason, it’s still a little scary being 3 months pregnant and not having anywhere to go and not knowing what’s coming next… Please pray for us that his will be done first and foremost and that we find somewhere we can call home soon!

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