Shalom brothers and sisters. In this article (and video), I wanted to share the dates we will be celebrating YHWH’s Festivals, for this year. These dates may be different than mainstream Hebrew calendars. If you have not seen the breakdown of our current understanding of the calendar yet, here are some links:
Calculating the Feast Days (Video Link)
Calculating the Feast Days (Article Link)

New Moon & Year Celebration – Evening of Sunday, Mar 30 (Sighting the New Moon sliver in the West at Sunset)

Passover Meal: Evening (Sunset) on Sunday, April 13th
Week of Unleavened bread: (Begins with the Passover Meal) Evening of the 13th of April, to Apr 20th at evening.
Sabbaths: Evening of 13th to evening of 14th & evening of 19th to evening of Apr 20th.
First Fruits
First Fruits: Evening of Apr 14th to the evening of Apr 15th (not a Sabbath).
Shavuot / Pentecost

Shavuot: Evening of June 7th to the evening of June 8th (Sabbath)
Yom Teruah/Feast of Trumpets

Yom Teruah will be celebrated at the sighting of the new moon on Sept 22nd at evening (sunset). The festival will last until the evening (sundown) on Sept 23rd.
*Important note: The new moon may not be spotted on the 22nd and we may need to shift to begin the feast on the 23rd. If this happens, Atonement and Sukkot will also be pushed back one day. We will be praying and seeking YHWH leading up to this.
Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement will be celebrated from the evening of Oct 1st to the evening of the 2nd.
*Possible Oct 2nd to Oct 3rd.
Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot

Sukkot will be celebrated from the evening of Oct 6th until the evening of Oct 14th.
*Possible Oct 7th to Oct 15th.
Evening of Oct 6th until the evening of Oct 7th.
Evening of the 13th until the evening of the 14th.
Located within our Feast Days of YHWH playlist, we do our best to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding these most amazing days. We cover the basics of ‘how to’ celebrate each one.
May Yahuah bless you as you cast off the world’s celebrations and walk in his everlasting ways, regardless of when you will keep these set-apart days. Never let anyone discourage you from leaving the pagan ways and running into his arms!
Shalom and blessings!